Heimatrock Musik-Location in Ladenburg
Bikerfreunde Wiesloch Motorad-Club in Wiesloch
7er-Club Musik-Location in Mannheim
Karl Musik-Kneipe in Heidelberg
Blaues Loch Restaurant & Musik-Kneipe Schwetzingen
Kuhstall Musik-Kneipe in Böhl-Iggelheim
Ascot Musik-Kneipe in Wiesloch
Dudelsack Musik-Kneipe in Bad Kreuznach
Birdland Event-Location in
Waldeck Bistro & Bar Musik-Kneipe in
Live Music
Hall Event-Location in Weiher/Odenw.
Druckhaus am Main Event-Location in Hanau
Altes E-Werk Nierstein Musik-Location in Nierstein
Konzerte am Neckar Veranstaltungsreihe
Birdland Event-Location in Kronau
halbneuntheater Veranstaltungs-Theater in Darmstadt
Ponte-Die Schuppenflitzer Moped-Club in Cleebronn
Black Haze Rockbar Frreigericht
Heavy Holly Singer/Songwriter, Chanson, Deutsch-Pop
Newrope Europe-Tribute-Band
Days of Thunder Classic-Hardrock-Band (Original)
AC/ID AC/DC-Tribute-Band
Lamettica Metallica-Tribute-Band
Cheap Purple Deep-Purple-Tribute-Band
Stainless Quo Status-Quo-Tribute-Band
Hard Cover Hardrock-Cover-Band
Dirty Deeds AC/DC-Tribute-Band
Sirens Savatage-Tribute-Band
Blueprint Rory-Gallagher-Tribute-Band
Dr. Seltsam Deutsch-Rock
Love To Hate Cover-Rock
Priest United Judas-Priest-Tribute-Band
Thunder/Bells AC/DC-Tribute-Band
Sales Gosses Französische Covers
Mr Ellis Old School Blues Rock
Barracuda Heart-Tribute-Band
Sissi's Top ZZ-Top-Tribute-Band
Phil Wright Blues Band Old School Blues Rock
Noémie Reichert Die unwirkliche Welt des Papiers
Anima Nigra Photography Live- und Event-Fotografie
Reiner Herbold Photography